Badass Backyard Shoots

The Boneyard Misfits Editorial Features Eclectic Wardrobe Selects

The ‘Boneyard Misfits’ editorial, captured by the lens of photographer Nat Lanyon stars models Yoanna Clifton and Anna Gibbs. Mandy Shadforth of Oracle Fox was the director and creator of the project.

With distinctive designer selects from the likes of Chanel among others, the girls are a vision in carefree casuals that fuse feminine pieces with rockstar accents. From sequined cardigans to hotrod cards to band tees and KISS-inspired star face paint, this edgy shoot is fearlessly styled.

Featuring an eclectic mix of femininity and attitude the ‘Boneyard Misfits’ editorial is the epitome of eccentric elegance. Posing in their backyard, in a badass car or on the back of a tough bike, the models are both street-chic and runway ready.

Mandy Shadforth:
Trend Themes
1. Eclectic Fashion - There is an opportunity for the fashion industry to embrace eclectic fashion with a mix of feminine and edgy pieces, including rockstar accents and unique styling.
2. Backyard Fashion Shoots - There is an opportunity for the photography and fashion industries to explore and embrace backyard shoots, featuring unconventional styles and settings for fashion photography.
3. Fearless Styling - There is an opportunity for the fashion industry to take more risks and push boundaries with fearless styling, combining unexpected pieces for a fresh and edgy look.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry has the opportunity to embrace a more eclectic style, mix and match fashion styles, and take more risks with fearless styling.
2. Photography - The photography industry has the opportunity to explore and embrace unconventional settings for fashion photography, such as backyard shoots, to showcase unique and edgy styles.
3. Marketing - The marketing industry can use these types of shoots and styles to market products in a more authentic and unconventional way, appealing to a younger and more diverse audience.

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