Mozambican Sustainable Cosmetics

BOM Offers a Range of Product From Their Community of Partners

BOM is a Mozambican cosmetics company that stands for Bio Óleos de Miombo. They offer body oils, lip balms, exfoliating scrubs, perfumes, body butter and more. What is so enticing about BOM specifically is their mix of ingredients such as basil and cardamom, coconut and vanilla, rosemary and mandarin and jasmine and ginger. You can almost smell and taste it.

In order to produce their products they work with a community of partners that work to conserve the seedlings. They products are handmade by craftswomen. "From oilseed harvest and cold press oil extraction, to the hand-crafting of beautiful canisters from sustainably-harvested noble hardwoods, BOM brings you a unique bodycare line of unparalleled quality, social and environmental responsibility," BOM writes on its website.

Contact Information
BOM website
BOM on Facebook
BOM on Instagram
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Cosmetics - Opportunities for companies to develop natural and eco-friendly skincare products from locally sourced ingredients, while contributing to the conservation of wildlife habitats and supporting local communities through fair trade practices.
2. Community Partnerships - Opportunities for companies to form partnerships with local communities for sustainable and ethical sourcing of ingredients, and to empower and support women in craft-making and production processes.
3. Handmade Products - Opportunities for companies to leverage the artisanal appeal of handcrafted goods to offer unique, high-quality products that cater to consumer demand for personalized and authentic experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty & Skincare - Innovative natural and sustainable beauty formulations can attract eco-conscious consumers and address concerns about chemical and environmental impacts of conventional cosmetics.
2. Fair Trade - Companies that prioritize fair trade practices can build brand loyalty and differentiate themselves from competitors, while improving the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and rural communities in developing countries.
3. Handicrafts - By sourcing locally made handicrafts, companies can offer unique or customized products, while supporting preservation of cultural heritage and empowering communities, particularly women, to earn sustainable incomes through traditional skills and knowledge.

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