Piled Costume Photography

Body Builder by Anna Lomax Relies on Pound Shop Textiles

Body Builder by Anna Lomax, a set designer born and based in London, England, is a photographic series that is not about the world of body building. Instead, the UK artist has built up her model's body with piles of towels, blankets, scraps and even some cleaning supplies almost to the point of toppling over. Placed center stage, Lomax says, "I like the idea of her being like a life drawing model in a class, but losing all the figurative features with her costume."

Shot by photographer Jess Bonham, Body Builder by Anna Lomax is inspired by Oskar Schlemmer‘s Triadic Ballet. The artist often references bodies, Bauhaus and ballet when it comes to her set designs. Quirky and sculptural, the images will resonate with people in different ways.
Trend Themes
1. Costume Photography - The trend of using costumes and props in photography to create visually stunning and unique images.
2. Textile Sculptures - The trend of using textiles and fabrics to create sculptural installations and art pieces.
3. Quirky Set Designs - The trend of designing sets for photography and film that are whimsical, unconventional, and visually striking.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - There are opportunities for photographers to experiment with costume photography and create innovative and eye-catching images.
2. Fashion - Fashion designers and stylists can draw inspiration from textile sculptures to create avant-garde and creative fashion pieces.
3. Entertainment - Set designers can incorporate quirky and unconventional elements in their designs to create visually captivating environments for films, theater, and events.

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