Sensor-Equipped Basketballs

The 94Fifty Bluetooth Basketball Uses Internal Sensors to Help Coaches

The way that technology is changing pretty much everything we do, it's no surprise that someone created this Bluetooth basketball adds a technological dimension to basketball coaching.

The 94Fifty Bluetooth basketball may look like a normal basketball on its dimpled orange surface, but inside is a powerful wireless sensor that can detect things like hand speed, dribbling, and even reflexes. The ball then communicates with a smartphone app available on iOS or Android that shares all the biometric readings from the ball. This way, the coach can back up their advice with hard data, and improve a player's performance based on solid metrics.

The ball and app combo from InfoMotion Sports will be available in March, 2013.
Trend Themes
1. Bluetooth Basketball - Opportunity for integrating technology into traditional sports equipment for data-driven coaching.
2. Wireless Sensors - Potential for utilizing internal sensors to measure and track athletic performance in real-time.
3. Mobile Apps - Advancement in smartphone applications for analyzing and sharing biometric data in sports coaching.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Equipment - Potential for incorporating sensors into various sports equipment to enhance performance analysis.
2. Wearable Technology - Opportunity for integrating wireless sensors into wearable devices for tracking sports performance metrics.
3. Mobile App Development - Growth in the development of mobile applications for capturing and analyzing biometric data in sports coaching.

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