Taste Test-Inspired Photography

This Canon Project Inspired Photographers with a Blind Tasting

As part of its ongoing series called 'THE LAB,' Canon Australia challenged photographers to a blind taste test to inspire them to create using senses other than their eyes.

For 'THE LAB: THE MENU,' a trio of photographers were invited to a blindfolded tasting session with food prepared by Automata chef Clayton Wells. After experiencing the chef's creations without being able to set their sights on them, the photographers were asked to convey their tasting experience.

In addition to resulting in the creation of some unique interpretations of the event, the project calls all creators to question how much they rely on their eyes to bring in fresh sources of inspiration. As the series questions: "What happens when you start finding ideas outside of your own art form—even outside of visuals altogether? Can our other senses be just as powerful sources of inspiration when it comes to creating unique images?"
Trend Themes
1. Blind Taste Testing in Photography - Incorporating blind taste testing into photography can create unique and unconventional sources of inspiration for photographers.
2. Multi-sensory Creativity - Encouraging creativity through the use of multiple senses can lead to unconventional and innovative products and experiences.
3. Alternative Sources of Inspiration - Looking to sources of inspiration outside of one's own medium can lead to impactful and inspired creations.
Industry Implications
1. Photography Industry - The photography industry can benefit from incorporating alternative sources of inspiration, such as blind taste testing, to create unique and diverse photographic outputs.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - The food and beverage industry can partner with creatives to inspire unique interpretations and representations of their products using multi-sensory experiences like blind taste testing.
3. Art and Design Industry - The art and design industry can benefit from adopting multi-sensory approaches to creativity as it can lead to new and unconventional sources of inspired design and art.

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