Surreal Carnivorous Birdhouses

These Birdhouses by Blaine Fontana are Hungry for Feathered Friends

Birdhouses are traditionally quaint little cottage-looking structures that welcome tiny spring birds with delicious bird feed, but artist Blaine Fontana has other ideas. His series of birdhouses channel a disturbing, but amazing surrealism. Made entirely of vinyl, these birdhouses channel an Alice in Wonderland-esque monstrous quality. They each have a full set of teeth and a bright-red tongue to chomp down on any feathered friend that happens to pass their way.

The birdhouse shape itself is slanted and narrow, giving it a dreamlike quality. With windows functioning as its eyes and an explicit set of teeth, these birdhouses are almost completely personified. However, Blaine Fontana does not make them into welcoming bird hotels, but into carnivorous bird-eating creatures.

Blaine Fontana's surreal birdhouses are a unique way to incorporate artistic qualities into a functional product; with their spooky faces, they're also a great way to get rid of any unwelcome pests.
Trend Themes
1. Surreal Birdhouses - The surreal birdhouses by Blaine Fontana offer a unique and artistic twist to traditional birdhouses.
2. Carnivorous Bird-related Products - The carnivorous birdhouses present an opportunity for the development of innovative products that combine functionality with a surreal and menacing design.
3. Functional Art - Blaine Fontana's birdhouses showcase the potential for functional art, merging practicality and aesthetics.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - The home decor industry could explore the market potential of surreal birdhouses as unique and attention-grabbing decorative pieces.
2. Art and Design - The art and design industry can find inspiration in Blaine Fontana's approach by creating unconventional and artistic bird-related products.
3. Pest Control - The pest control industry might consider incorporating aesthetically appealing birdhouses that also serve the purpose of pest deterrence.

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