Crowdsourced Magazine Shoots

BlackBook Magazine REquest Wants Fans to Edit Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, an acclaimed actor who's appeared in such movies as (500) Days of Summer and Inception, has recently posted a BlackBook Magazine REquest on his hitRECordJoe Tumblr account. I can already see a few raised eyebrows, so I'm going to explain further.

Fans of the popular actor will know that he also runs a crowdsourced collaborative production company called hitRECord, in which individuals are encouraged to contribute art, music and footage to be used in film productions. If fan contributions are selected to be a part of profitable productions, the fans are financially compensated for their work.

The BlackBook Magazine REquest is a similar project, only BlackBook Magazine is asking fans to remix two Joseph Gordon-Levitt photos the publication has recently taken. To participate, sign up for a hitRECord account, download the two pictures and Photoshop away!

Implications - With the proliferation of media making technologies, consumers are no longer satisfied with content consumption; they want to be producers. The success of hitRECord stems from the fact they are providing consumers a platform to express their creativity in ways that yield worthwhile and respectable results. Corporations from all sectors may consider providing services and products which nourish consumers' desire to be content producers as a method of revenue generation.
Trend Themes
1. Crowdsourced Collaborative Platforms - The success of hitRECord highlights the opportunity for the development of crowdsourced or collaborative platforms in various industries to satisfy consumers' desire to create and participate in content production.
2. Fan-curated Content - More brands and industries can take on a collaborative approach with their audiences, letting them participate in the curation or creation of content that is marketed by the brand.
3. Compensated Fan Contributions - Rewarding fans for their contribution is an effective way to drive their participation and create a sense of loyalty, so other companies and brands can explore this opportunity to promote their products or services.
Industry Implications
1. Media and Entertainment - The media and entertainment industry could create more interactive and participatory content to cater to the tastes of consumers who want to be part of content creation rather than just consumption.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Companies can engage fans by inviting them to contribute their own ads or promotional content as a means of building brand loyalty and generating revenue.
3. Technology - Technology companies may develop collaborative platforms or tools that enable users to co-create content and facilitate revenue-sharing solutions, like what hitRECord practices.

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