Documenting Masked Rioters

The Black Bloc Wreaks Havoc on Toronto Streets at the G20

The Black Bloc is a riotous group of individuals who dress in black and turn otherwise peaceful protests into scenes of mayhem.

Most recently, the Black Bloc have allegedly been spotted at the G20 Toronto riots, smashing windows and setting fire to police cars. The highly organized crew will ensure anonymity for their members through their uniform dress, and when all is said and done, they change out of their black clothes, and disperse through the crowd.
Trend Themes
1. Anonymous Activism - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in developing anonymizing technologies for protesters.
2. Protest Security - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating advanced security measures to prevent rioting and protect public and private property.
3. Peaceful Protest Enhancement - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in tools and strategies to preserve the peaceful nature of protests and prevent escalation into violence.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Potential disruptive innovation opportunities in developing advanced security systems and anonymizing technologies.
2. Law Enforcement - Disruptive innovation opportunities in creating new strategies and tools to effectively identify and prevent riots.
3. Protest Planning and Management - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in developing tools and techniques to enhance the planning and management of peaceful protests.

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