Equitable Movie Torrents

David Cross' BitTorrent Bundle Asks Fans to Pay What They Want

The convenience of downloading from platforms like BitTorrent is enticing for many media consumers, however, legality continues to be a hot-button issue—but a pay-what-you-want BitTorrent Bundle concept satisfies all parties involved. With the release of his newest work, David Cross is asking fans to pay what they deem worthy for his directorial debut, HITS. To get at the HD video content and bonus materials, a $1 contribution is required. The money that comes from the pay-what-you-can sales go back to the actors and producers of HITS, which helps to make sure that everybody gets what they feel they are entitled to.

Just as artists shocked the music industry with pay-what-you-want albums, this is a clever solution to appease those who frequently download TV and movie content online.
Trend Themes
1. Pay-what-you-want Model - The pay-what-you-want model presents an opportunity for artists to earn revenue while satisfying fans' demand for affordable media content.
2. Bittorrent Bundle - The BitTorrent Bundle concept is disrupting the way media is distributed and consumed as it allows for convenient access to media content at a pay-what-you-want price point.
3. Entitlement-based Distribution - Entitlement-based distribution allows for producers and actors to receive fair compensation for their work while giving consumers control over the price they pay for media content.
Industry Implications
1. Media & Entertainment - The media and entertainment industry can benefit from the pay-what-you-want model and BitTorrent bundle concept in appealing to consumers who are looking for affordable content.
2. Software & Technology - Software and technology companies have an opportunity to create platforms that cater to the pay-what-you-want and BitTorrent bundle concept alongside digital rights management solutions that respect the intellectual property of artists and producers.
3. Crowdfunding & Financing - Emerging crowdfunding and financing platforms have an opportunity to partner with artists and producers to finance their creative projects while catering to fans' desire for affordable and easy access to exclusive media content.

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