Hilarious Avian Mash-Ups

'Birds With Arms' is Exactly What the Title Says

Just when I thought that Tumblr sites could not get any more obscure I came across 'Birds With Arms,' which is probably the weirdest and funniest compilation of images I have seen in a while.

I don’t know who’s idea it was to put arms on birds but I applaud them for their creativity. The Tumblr site features crows, seagulls, ravens and more, clenching their biceps, playing guitar and even enjoying a ravishing cup of tea. The site is filled with entirely fan-based art. To get featured all you simply have to do is Photoshop some arms on birds. It’s so weird that you have to laugh at it. I wonder what they will come up with next -- perhaps feet on fruit?
Trend Themes
1. Avian-centric Art - The trend reflects an opportunity for creativity, and humor in pop culture-inspired art forms.
2. Photo-manipulation Humor - Satirical art forms bringing humor and joy to the viewers.
3. Online Fan-based Art - The trend represents a unique platform for artists to showcase their talent and gain recognition from a global audience.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Arts - In light of the trend, Fine Arts can embrace and depict unusual and creative art-forms which were unexplored earlier
2. Social Media - The trend represents an excellent opportunity to showcase satirical and humorous pop culture-inspired art forms that appeal to a wide audience instantaneously.
3. Graphic Design - The trend represents a unique style of graphic design, involving photo-manipulation and humor, providing a new opportunity for graphic designers to explore innovative art forms.

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