Refined Raw Furniture

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The Binome Jardin Design Studio Seems Inspired by Fairy Tales

With one foot planted firmly in the city and another foot just as rooted in the country, the Binome Jardin design studio creates unique pieces of furniture that embrace both the refined and raw qualities of life. Whimsical and quirky, each piece is more intriguing than the next.

Founded by Ingrid Michel and Frederic Pain, Binome Jardin is a mesh of creative and imaginative energies. As though inspired by fairy tales, the furniture has a fantastical feel. The green Champignon stool happens to look like a giant upside-down mushroom, the Red Drink chair has knobby branch legs that support a smooth, crimson seat and the Cratere stools makes it look as though tree trunks are sinking into a white mass of liquid.
Trend Themes
1. Raw-refined Design - There is an opportunity to combine the raw, natural elements of materials with refined design techniques in furniture and homeware products.
2. Fantastical Furniture - An opportunity exists to embrace whimsical, fairy-tale inspired designs in furniture and homeware products.
3. Urban-rural Fusion - Creating furniture pieces that bring together the urban and rural aesthetics can be a disruptive innovation opportunity.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture - Furniture makers can explore raw-refined designs and fantastical furniture designs to create unique pieces that appeal to consumers.
2. Homeware - Homeware companies can create products with a whimsical, fairy-tale inspired feel as well as pieces that fuse urban and rural aesthetics.
3. Interior Design - Interior designers can incorporate raw-refined designs and fantastical furniture into their clients' homes, as well as create spaces that embrace both urban and rural aesthetics.

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