Upcycled Skateboard Skulls

Broken Decks by Beto Janz is an Inventive Marketing Ploy

Not only is Beto Janz an impeccably skilled designer, he is an outrageously imaginative marketing man as well. Beto Janz has created the ultimate grass roots initiative for the Ultra Skate Store in Brazil, using broken skate decks as a medium for twisted business cards.

Beto Janz is taking broken skate decks and carving them into skull shapes, making for a macabre marketing tool that is fascinating and informative. As the cherry on a deliciously well-executed sundae, Beto Janz completes each broken deck with information about the store.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycling - Exploring innovative ways to repurpose and transform waste materials, such as broken skate decks, into new products or marketing tools.
2. Sustainable Marketing - Embracing eco-friendly and creative approaches to marketing that resonate with socially conscious consumers, like using upcycled materials for promotional purposes.
3. Unique Branding - Adopting unconventional and attention-grabbing branding strategies, such as using macabre and artistic designs to differentiate and promote a brand.
Industry Implications
1. Skateboarding - The skateboarding industry can leverage upcycled skate decks as a way to tap into sustainability trends and appeal to eco-conscious consumers, offering unique and personalized products.
2. Advertising and Marketing - The advertising and marketing industry can explore the use of upcycled materials in promotional campaigns, showcasing creativity and commitment to sustainability while creating memorable brand experiences.
3. Art and Design - The art and design industry can find inspiration in Beto Janz's macabre marketing strategy, incorporating unconventional and provocative elements into their work to engage audiences and spark conversations.

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