Bow-Tied Booze Bottles

The Belvedere Vodka Cannes 2011 Glitters with Luxury

Vodka aficionados should start saving now if they want to add the new Belvedere Vodka Cannes 2011 to their collection. Belvedere Vodka is celebrating its fifth year at the Cannes Film Festival by debuting a limited edition bottle of vodka designed to get you literally drunk off of luxury.

The Belvedere Vodka Cannes 2011's bottle was designed by Italian designer Roc Sine Labe Doli and is covered in platinum with a sequin-filled bowtie adorning its neck. The bottle will be presented in a "ceremonial" way and is said to cost $800 a pop. While I will not be attending the Cannes Film Festival this year, I look forward to seeing other alcohol companies attempting to one-up one another. Belvedere has set the bar -- will anyone raise it?
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Alcohol Bottles - Creating high-end, unique and visually striking designs on bottles for premium alcoholic beverages.
2. Limited Edition Alcoholic Products - Creating bespoke alcoholic products to increase engagement with customers.
3. Exclusive Events and Commemorative Products - Hosting exclusive events and issuing customized products to commemorate popular cultural events.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol Industry - Incorporating unique and visually captivating designs for marketing rollouts.
2. Luxury Goods Industry - Developing high-end alcoholic products that are visually distinct and available exclusively through limited time offers and events.
3. Hospitality Industry - Enhancing consumer experience and engagement by offering premium and limited-time alcoholic drinks to commemorate special events and occasions.

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