Naughty Ads for AIDS

The Be Pure Ad Campaign Offers Sound and Sassy Advice

Granted World AIDS Day was over a week ago, it never hurts to be reminded about how important prevention, as well as long held ideas of what is considered good and pure. So the Be Pure ad campaign wants to shake things up.

Produced in Brazil by JWT, the tag line for each ad says the following, "Be Pure. Safe Sex is Never Wrong." It is accompanied by a colorful image of claymation angels, wearing leather, engaged in what appears to be some sort of S&M. Check out the gallery for more of the Be Pure ad campaign.
Trend Themes
1. Sexual Health Awareness - Opportunity for innovative campaigns promoting safe sex messages with a provocative twist.
2. Disruptive Advertising - Usage of unconventional and controversial ads to grab attention and challenge societal norms.
3. Creative Marketing Campaigns - Exploring unconventional approaches to create impactful and memorable advertising campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunity for agencies to create edgy and attention-grabbing campaigns that challenge societal norms.
2. Healthcare - Opportunity for healthcare organizations to collaborate with creative agencies to raise awareness about sexual health and safe sex practices.
3. Entertainment - Opportunity for film and animation studios to explore new ways of storytelling through claymation and controversial subjects.

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