Nacho Chip-Crusted Bacon

This DudeFoods Bacon Recipe is Covered in Deep Fried Doritos

Following the success of its Doritos-coated chicken strips and Doritos breaded burger, DudeFoods is now introducing a Deep Fried Doritos Crusted Bacon recipe that adds even more of an extra crispy crunch to bacon.

The recipe involves thickly cut bacon that's already been fried and coated with flour and egg wash, which is then rolled in crushed up Dorito bits. From there, the chip-covered bacon is quickly dropped into a deep fryer to adhere all of that delicious Doritos flavor to the strips of bacon.

DudeFoods describes that the taste of the Doritos-coated bacon is powerful and "sucker punches your taste buds," which could be interesting to try as long as you don't mind your snack foods mixing with your breakfast ones.
Trend Themes
1. Doritos-coated Food - There is a growing trend of using Doritos as a coating for various food items, offering a unique and flavorful twist to traditional dishes.
2. Deep-fried Bacon - Deep-frying bacon is becoming increasingly popular, allowing for a crispy and indulgent texture that enhances the overall taste experience.
3. Mixing Snack Foods - The combination of different snack foods, such as Doritos and bacon, is gaining traction, creating innovative flavor profiles that appeal to adventurous eaters.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can explore the use of Doritos as a coating in various products, driving consumer interest and expanding product offerings.
2. Snack Food - The snack food industry can capitalize on the popularity of mixing different snack foods to create unique flavor combinations and attract a diverse customer base.
3. Culinary Innovation - The culinary industry can experiment with deep-frying bacon and using unconventional coatings to create disruptive and memorable dishes that cater to consumer preferences for indulgent and creative food options.

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