Baby Making Religion

Duggar's Quiverfull Movement Promotes Population Growth

With the announcement of Jim-Bob and Michelle Duggar's 19th baby on the way (19th!!), most sane people are wondering why they have bothered to have so many children. Easy answer: the Quiverfull Movement.

It's based around the idea that the more children you have, the more members of the Quiverfull movement there are. According to Psalm 127:5 "Happy is the man who hath his quiver full of them...", and by 'them' the Bible means children. In the Quiverfull Movement's eyes you are only really fulfilled as a person when you have had a ridiculous amount of children. Obviously not a religious choice for everyone, Jim-Bob and Michelle Duggar are sure sticking with it.
Trend Themes
1. Quiverfull Movement - Exploring the potential for disruptive innovation in the realm of alternative religious movements.
2. Population Growth - Identifying opportunities for disruptive innovation in industries that cater to increasing population needs.
3. Family Planning - Examining disruptive innovation possibilities in the field of family planning and reproductive health.
Industry Implications
1. Religious Organizations - Considering potential disruptive innovation opportunities within the realm of religious organizations and practices.
2. Childcare Services - Exploring potential disruptive innovation in industries related to childcare and support services.
3. Maternity and Baby Products - Identifying opportunities for disruptive innovation in industries that cater to the needs of expectant parents and growing families.

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