Baby-Simulating VR Games

Baby Hands Lets Players Become a VR Baby

Babies are rarely explored as playable characters in video games but Baby Hands is hoping to change this by letting players control an ankle-biter in VR. Developed by Chicken Waffle, this zany sandbox experience lets players navigate an entire house and manipulate pretty much anything in the environment. The game was originally developed for a Classic Game Fest in Austin, Texas as a way to show off interesting VR games. The decision to go with Baby Hands came as the development team wanting to create something humorous but also as a perfect demo for VR gaming.

In terms of gameplay, Baby Hands is incredibly open and doesn't require players to complete any concrete tasks. Instead, gamers can navigate a VR space and play with various items or just crawl around the environment.
Trend Themes
1. Baby-simulating VR Games - The rise of baby-simulating VR games creates opportunities for innovation in both gaming and childcare industries.
2. Playable Baby Characters - The emergence of playable baby characters in video games introduces new opportunities in game design and marketing.
3. Zany Sandbox Experiences - The growth of zany sandbox experiences like Baby Hands expand the possibilities for open world, experimental game design.
Industry Implications
1. Video Games - The video game industry can capitalize on the emergence of baby-simulating VR games and playable baby characters to diversify its offerings and attract new players.
2. Childcare - The emergence of baby-simulating VR games creates opportunities for innovation and experimentation in early childhood education and childcare.
3. Virtual Reality - The increasing popularity of VR games like Baby Hands drives the development of new VR technology and hardware, as well as opens up new possibilities for entertainment and other industries to utilize this technology.

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