Upright Inhaler Protectors

The 'Zephyr' Asthma Inhaler Case Protects Against Germs

The usual design of asthma inhaler cases usually sees them designed with a somewhat uneasy access design, so the 'Zephyr' case aims to change this. Designed by Nancy Rekhelman, the 'Zephyr' case works with any inhaler and allows it to be slipped inside the device case. It instantly goes to work to protect it against germs and air moisture as well as making it possible for the inhaler to be stored upright.

The 'Zephyr' asthma inhaler case quickly folds open to allow users to easily access the device when they need it. This makes it an effective piece of equipment for keeping the inhaler clean, while also ensuring it's never strapped into a case and not easily accessible when it's needed most.
Trend Themes
1. Upright Inhaler Storage - Designing inhaler accessories that promote upright storage and easy access can improve hygiene and medication accessibility.
2. Anti-germ Inhaler Protectors - Creating inhaler cases specifically designed to combat germs and contaminants can improve inhaler hygiene and reduce the likelihood of infection.
3. Customizable Inhaler Holders - Innovating inhaler case designs that work with different inhaler brands and types can create a universal market for inhaler accessories.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can benefit from the development of inhaler accessories that promote cleanliness and ease of use for patients.
2. Medical Supplies Manufacturing - Manufacturers specializing in medical devices can explore the production of inhaler accessories that promote medication accessibility and protect users from germs.
3. Inhaler Accessory Retail - The development of customizable inhaler cases creates an opportunity for the retail industry to introduce a new line of inhaler accessories for consumers.

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