Subversive Self-Portraits

Photographer and Artist Arvida Bystrom is Fond of Pink and Glitter

Artist Arvida Bystrom was only 12 years of age when she delved into photography. Now 22, she is an experienced and recognized photographer that relocated from Sweden to London to pursue her passion to the fullest. Although her images are often rife with pink, glitter and all things feminine, there is a subversive quality to her work that explores issues surrounding sex, gender, identity and more.

Focusing heavily on self-portraits, artist Arvida Bystrom started her own gallery in Limehouse, East London, which she called 'Gal.' About the venture, she says, "I’d love to make more of my own art, but don’t have the time to create an entire show myself—and I enjoy putting other people’s art together."
Trend Themes
1. Feminist Photography - There is a growing trend in photography that explores issues surrounding sex, gender, and identity from a feminist perspective.
2. Subversive Art - Artists are embracing subversive qualities in their work, challenging traditional norms and sparking conversations about societal issues.
3. Self-portraits as Expression - Self-portraits are becoming a popular medium for artists to express their ideas, emotions, and personal narratives.
Industry Implications
1. Art Galleries - Art galleries can tap into the trend of subversive art and feminist photography by showcasing works that challenge societal norms and provoke meaningful discussions.
2. Feminist Media - Feminist media outlets can explore the trend of self-portraits as expression by featuring and promoting artists who use self-portraiture to address sex, gender, and identity issues.
3. Photography Education - Photography education programs can incorporate the trend of subversive art and feminist photography into their curriculum to encourage students to explore unconventional themes and challenge societal norms through their work.

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