Hipster Cartoon Aardvarks

These Illustrations Recreate the Arthur Cartoon Characters

Pedro Fequiere from BuzzFeed has recreated the cast of the Arthur cartoon television show, which was a popular series in the 90s. In these images, each character has grown into a hipster-inspired version of their former elementary school selves.

All of the adult characters are matched with direct representations of their former selves but are made over to boast a playful hipster appearance. For example, Arthur himself used to be a dorky aardvark with glasses and a yellow sweater but is transformed into a more mature character who dons a yellow sweater, a long brown jacket and a scruffy beard.

These playful illustrations present a humorous look at the 90s Arthur cartoon cast. The artist also pokes fun at each character's hipster style, which is a bit too similar to their youthful 90s looks.
Trend Themes
1. Nostalgia-inspired Makeovers - Opportunities for artists and designers to create modern, trendy updates to nostalgic or classic characters and brands.
2. Hipster Culture Parody - Opportunities for brands and marketers to create tongue-in-cheek advertising campaigns that poke fun at stereotypical hipster culture with a nod to nostalgia.
3. Social Media Satire - Opportunities for influencers and content creators to create humorous social media content that parodies and satirizes current fashion and lifestyle trends, using nostalgic influences.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunities for advertising agencies to create attention-grabbing campaigns that adopt a humorous or nostalgic approach.
2. Graphic Design - Opportunities for graphic designers to update and modernize classic characters and brands in a playful and trendy way, while staying true to their original look.
3. Social Media Marketing - Opportunities for social media marketers and influencers to create content that resonates with a nostalgia-loving audience, while being relevant and trendy to current culture.

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