Armpit Tattoos

Underarm Flower Bouquet Ink on Pretty Hipsters in Toronto

These days, tattooing is fairly mainstream, but when I saw these armpit tattoos on Chandel Bodner at an art show in Toronto, I stopped in my tracks.

According to Bodner, armpit tattoos are fairly common but usually are part of sleeves. At any rate, these armpit tattoos definitely stand out from the norm.

Implications - Though tattoos were once seen as taboo, they are now widely accepted as a mainstream movement. Thus, consumers who seek more underground innovation are finding new ways to incorporate ink into their lives, resulting in odd tattoos such as these underarm embellishments. For consumers, expression is simply not enough--the true goal is individualism at any cost.
Trend Themes
1. Armpit Tattoos - The trend of armpit tattoos is growing among those seeking unconventional forms of self-expression.
2. Underground Innovation - Consumers who desire more unconventional forms of self-expression are driving the trend towards underarm embellishments.
3. Individualism - The desire for individualism is fueling the trend towards unconventional tattoo placements such as the armpits.
Industry Implications
1. Tattoo Industry - The growing trend of armpit tattoos presents lucrative opportunities for tattoo artists and studios.
2. Fashion Industry - Fashion designers can explore innovative ways to incorporate armpit tattoos, such as underarm cutouts, into clothing designs.
3. Beauty and Personal Care Industry - The trend towards unconventional tattoo placements highlights the need for specialized aftercare products for areas such as the armpits.

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