Desolate Infrastructure Photography

This Architecture Photo Series is Poignant and Shocking

Showing the audience how some less fortunate people are forced to live in makeshift homing solutions around the world, Iwan Baan's architecture photo series is fascinating and utterly shocking.

The photographer captures these unexpected living arrangements in his poignant architecture photo series, which clearly portrays how human resilience is something to be respected.

Living in places like abandoned buildings, dirty lagoons and underground nooks, these people around the globe and their homes are not determined by the physical space, but what they do with it and who lives with them.

Even though the images show unlivable spaces to us, these people have learned to make do and to be content with what they have -- for example a young couple decorates their house with wedding pictures to give it some style in Egypt’s Zabaleen (garbage) district.
Trend Themes
1. Makeshift Living Trend - There may be opportunities for companies to develop inexpensive, modular, and sustainable housing solutions to address the housing problem in impoverished areas.
2. Resilience as a Trend - There may be opportunities for companies to create products & services that focus on tackling the challenges that people in impoverished areas face, thus supporting their resilience.
3. Outsider Innovation Trend - There may be opportunities for companies to partner with local communities to co-create solutions that address the unique needs of people living in makeshift homing solutions in impoverished areas around the world.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate Industry - The real estate industry may explore new models of providing affordable housing in impoverished areas through collaboration with government and social impact entities.
2. Architecture and Construction Industry - The architecture and construction industry may develop innovative and low-cost housing solutions that fit the unique living requirements of people in makeshift homes.
3. Design Industry - The design industry may develop creative solutions that focus on enhancing the quality of life of underprivileged communities living in makeshift homes.

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