Tomb-Inspired Wine Cellars

Archea Associati Designs an Italian Winery Fit for a Royal Send Off

As far as aesthetics go, wineries have a pretty bad reputation, but visionary architects like those at the Archea Associati firm are changing this with their stunning creations that emphasize on visual appeal as well as quality wine.

Giant, messy wooden barrels being used by sweaty old men is what some people may think of when it comes to visualizing a winery. But this massive wine estate, created by Italian design firm Archea Associati is using large, arching halls constructed out of fine, royalty worthy materials, are changing these perceptions.

This 50,000 square meter winery is only the above ground beauty to Archea Associati's creation, as beneath this massive structure lies gigantic subterranean cellars. These wine cellars are made out of smooth terracotta and almost resemble an Egyptian or royalty worthy tomb.
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Wine Cellars - There is a growing trend in designing wine cellars with luxurious aesthetics, creating a visually appealing experience for wine aficionados.
2. Architectural Innovation in Wineries - Architects are pushing the boundaries of traditional winery design, creating innovative structures that challenge conventional perceptions.
3. Underground Wine Cellars - The trend of constructing subterranean wine cellars is gaining popularity, offering unique storage solutions and a sense of exclusivity.
Industry Implications
1. Wine and Vineyard Industry - Wineries and vineyards can capitalize on the trend of creating visually stunning and luxurious wine cellars to enhance the overall wine tasting experience.
2. Architectural and Design Industry - Architects and designers specializing in winery projects have an opportunity to showcase their creativity by incorporating innovative and visually appealing elements in their designs.
3. Luxury Hospitality Industry - Luxury hotels and resorts can consider incorporating underground wine cellars into their premises to offer exclusive wine experiences for their guests.

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