Language-Uniting Typefaces

The Aravrit Typeface Brings Together Hebrew and Arabic

The Aravrit typeface unites two forms of design: arabic and hebrew all in one. Liron Lavi Turkenich is one of the people responsible for 638 characters in this new kind of typeface.

According to DesignBoom, "the set of hybrid letters merge hebrew and arabic, with a dissected arabic letter on the upper half and a hebrew counterpart as the base." What's amazing is just how well these two languages go together, since this is not something that has been tried before. However, as Liron Lavi Turkenich demonstrates, it is usually the unlikely matching of certain items that can result in exquisite design.

While the typeface is still in the process of development, hopefully these new designs will become available as a part of the average font repertoire sooner rather than later. Photo Credits: designboom, lironlavi
Trend Themes
1. Language-uniting Typefaces - The emergence of language-combining typefaces that allow for the easy combination of multiple languages in one document presents an opportunity to develop the global market by addressing multiple language needs.
2. Hybrid-letter Design - The development of hybrid-letter designs like the Aravrit typeface that merge established writing systems presents an innovative opportunity for graphic designers and typeface developers to create new typefaces that combine the characteristics of two or more script systems.
3. Cross-cultural Integration - The design of Aravrit typeface demonstrate opportunities that promote cross-cultural integration between people and societies with different languages and script systems.
Industry Implications
1. Design Industry - As more companies and institutions aim for global audiences, the demand for language-uniting typefaces is growing. Designers who can create these kind of typefaces will have a competitive edge.
2. Education Industry - The use of hybrid-letter designs, and language-uniting typefaces could be incorporated into bilingual learning in educational institutions to merge the languages studied simplifying and improving the learning process.
3. Technology Industry - The emerging trend of language-combining typefaces presents an opportunity to develop software solutions that support such unique typefaces for better integration of written content across languages.

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