Automotive Anti-Theft Apps

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'Rimtech' is the First Anti-Theft System for Auto Wheels

'RimTech' is an intuitive anti-theft system that connects your car, specifically your wheels, directly to your phone. Anti-theft technology is nothing new, but RimTech is the first of its kind. If your car is being broken into, the RimTech automatically notifies your phone, the police and tracks the movement of your tires should your car be moving. Not only is RimTech concerned with theft prevention, they are equally focused on recovering your car if it is stolen.

Unique to this anti-theft system is an automatic text not only to you but also sent to a predetermined friend. Additionally, a camera is set up on the steering wheel, providing instant evidence if a crime is being committed.

RimTech hopes to make their system available to all types of cars in the future.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-theft Apps - Anti-theft apps that connect directly to a user's phone and notify them and police of any theft attempts or stolen property present opportunities for disrupting the traditional anti-theft industry.
2. Intuitive Anti-theft Systems - Intuitive anti-theft systems that utilize cameras and automatic notifications provide opportunities for disrupting the traditional anti-theft industry and creating a new market for smart anti-theft technology.
3. Connected Car Anti-theft Solutions - Anti-theft solutions that connect directly to a driver's car provide opportunities for disrupting the traditional anti-theft industry and creating a new market for connected car anti-theft technology.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - Implementing connected anti-theft technology across a range of vehicle types could disrupt the traditional automotive industry and provide new opportunities for manufacturers to differentiate themselves.
2. Smart Home and Security Industry - Utilizing connected anti-theft systems that integrate with smart home and security systems could disrupt the traditional smart home and security industry and provide new opportunities for companies to offer innovative add-ons to existing systems.
3. Insurance Industry - Connected anti-theft technology that enables real-time tracking of vehicle positions could disrupt the traditional insurance industry and provide opportunities for insurers to offer more accurate policies and pricing based on the vehicle's location and theft risk.

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