Pictogram Animal Packaging

Rafal Kwiecien Creates the Coal Package Series

Rafal Kwiecien has put a new twist on this design for Coal Package that features stylized pictogram animal branding. Cute animals and coal don't normally go together, but somehow Kwiecien manages to make it work in this design.

According to Package Inspiration, the designers "goal with this project was to make simple and modern packaging, each displaying a strong identity. Every package has a unique animal and colour, [and] it also comes with all required information on the front to help customers to pick the right product, on the shelf or online shop." This easy reading is perfect for connecting with consumers, instead of using an overwhelming design that looks good, but is not practical for the product being sold.
Trend Themes
1. Pictogram Branding - The use of pictogram branding in packaging could be expanded to other industries, such as pharmaceuticals and household products.
2. Animal-theme Packaging - The trend for animal-theme packaging could expand to other sectors such as children's products and pet food.
3. Informative Labeling - There is an opportunity for informative labeling to be applied to other sectors including food and beverage, and healthcare.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Packaged Goods - The use of pictogram branding and unique packaging design could differentiate CPG products on the shelf.
2. Pharmaceuticals - Pictogram branding and clear informative labeling can help customers identify their medicines more easily.
3. Pet Products - Animal-theme packaging can be utilized to appeal to pet owners and differentiate products from competitors.

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