Sewing With Signatures

Amnesty International: Portrait Shuts Up Dictators

Following its award winning animated Signatures campaign, Amnesty International has come up with an equally creative print campaign illustrating the power of your signature.

The Amnesty International Portrait campaign consists of print ads showing black and white portraits of famous dictators with their mouths being shut using signatures. The accompanying message is "Your signatures have power" to stand up to dictators all over the world and stop the torture and violence.

The French ads were created TBWA ad agency Paris, with creative director Erik Vervroegen and art directors Jessica Gérard-Huet, and Marianne Fonferrier.

The campaign combines elements of two campaign that Trend Hunter has featured recently. In addition to the aforementioned Signatures campaign, we have presented a political tape ad that silences Bush and Chávez among others. Check them out below.
Trend Themes
1. Creative Print Campaigns - The use of creative print campaigns can effectively illustrate the power of activism and encourage social change through the use of visual imagery.
2. Use of Signatures as a Symbol of Protest - Utilizing signatures as a visual representation of protest can empower individuals to take a stance against dictators and human rights abuses.
3. Collaboration Between Art and Activism - The collaboration between art agencies and activist organizations can create powerful and impactful campaigns that raise awareness and drive change.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Advertising agencies can leverage creative print campaigns to convey messages of social change and engage audiences in meaningful ways.
2. Human Rights and Activism - Activist organizations, such as Amnesty International, can utilize the power of signatures and visual imagery to advocate for human rights and stand up against dictators.
3. Art and Design - The fusion of art and activism provides an opportunity for artists and designers to create thought-provoking campaigns that challenge societal norms and elicit impactful responses.

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