Reality Show Trading Cards

"American Idol" Stars to be Cast in Cardboard

Fans of reality series "American Idol" will soon be collecting their favorite singing stars on trading cards. Imagine if you will: Carrie Underwood, David Cook, Kelly Clarkson and even William Wong--got him, got her, need her.

Card publisher Upper Deck, known for its sports collectibles, is teaming with FremantleMedia, the producers of "American Idol," to create the 138 card series, set to launch April 21, 2009.

"With the trading cards, it’s an old school way of interacting with the fans. It’s another form of expression for the fans to demonstrate their connection with the show and collect their favorites," says Nora Wong, senior manager of consumer products at FremantleMedia.

The "American Idol" trading cards will be sold in packs of five and there will be 6 exclusive autographed cards randomly distributed amongst the bundles.
Trend Themes
1. Reality Show Trading Cards - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Exploring the market potential of creating trading cards for reality TV shows to engage and connect with fans in a new way.
2. Collectible Card Series - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Leveraging the popularity of reality TV shows to create collectible card series that tap into the nostalgia and fan culture.
3. Fan Engagement Through Trading Cards - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Providing fans of reality TV shows with a tangible way to interact, express their connection, and collect their favorite stars through trading cards.
Industry Implications
1. Card Publishing - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Card publishing companies can explore expanding into the realm of reality TV trading cards to tap into the growing popularity of these shows and engage a new target audience.
2. Entertainment Merchandise - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: The entertainment merchandise industry can embrace the trend of reality show trading cards to offer fans a new and interactive way to connect with their favorite shows and stars.
3. Consumer Products - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Consumer product companies can incorporate reality show trading cards into their offerings, providing fans with a collectible and engaging experience that enhances brand loyalty.

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