Hilariously Dubbed Singing Contests

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The American Idol Bad Lip Reading is Not So Easy on the Ears

The American Idol Bad Lip Reading lets you enjoy the reality television series in a whole new way.

Watching American Idol will usually make you curse the fact that you can't carry a tune to save your life. However, the Bad Lip Reading version will most likely have you crying with laughter. These dubbed masterpieces have always been funny, but adding a singing component takes it to another level. Whether it's the howling sounds the singers are making, or the hilarious advice the judges are giving ("you don't want a robot on a train"), this video will keep you enormously entertained. Fans and haters alike will enjoy this parody of the popular singing competition.

Remarkably, the hilarious overdubbed sounds aren't the best part of the video. What takes the cake is definitely J.Lo's dance moves -- a hilarious rotating shoulder thrust.
Trend Themes
1. Hilariously Dubbed Singing Contests - Trending trend: Incorporating hilarious overdubbed sounds into singing competitions, adding a comedic twist to the genre.
2. Masterfully Dubs - Trending trend: Creating dubbed masterpieces that hilariously reimagine popular television shows and movies.
3. Comedic Parodies - Trending trend: Producing comedic parodies of popular reality TV series, such as American Idol.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporating hilarious overdubbed sounds in live singing competitions to appeal to a wider audience and create a unique viewing experience.
2. Film and Television Production - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Exploring the creation of more dubbed masterpieces that reinvent popular shows and movies with comedic elements, attracting a new fanbase and increasing viewership.
3. Digital Media - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing comedic parodies of popular reality TV series and distributing them online to capitalize on viral video trends and engage a larger audience.

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