Prideful American Pizzas

This Thin American Flatbread Champions Vermont Cheese

American Flatbread's Cheese & Herb thin and crispy pizza sets itself apart from other types of frozen pizzas that can be found in the supermarket. While there are many that stress convenience or exotic flavor combinations, this one simply celebrates wholesome American eats.

The ingredient list on the pizza product includes a crust made from 100% organic wheat, Good Mountain water, farm fresh herbs, as well as cheese that comes from the Jersey cows of Vermont's Blythedale Farms, which are not fed any growth hormones.

Words like "fresh," "wood-fired" and "all-natural" are prominent on the American Flatbread pizza packaging, suggesting this is a far more wholesome and sophisticated alternative to traditional frozen pizza products. As American Flatbread's founder George Schenk reminds: "Food is important. What we eat and how it’s grown intimately affects our health and the well-being of the world."
Trend Themes
1. Organic Pizzas - Opportunities exist for businesses to create organic frozen pizzas that incorporate fresh and all-natural ingredients.
2. Sustainable Cheese - There is potential for companies to utilize cheese made from sustainable sources, such as Blythedale Farms' Jersey cows, in their frozen pizzas.
3. Health-conscious Frozen Foods - As consumers become more health-conscious, there is an opportunity to develop frozen food products that prioritize wholesome, high-quality ingredients.
Industry Implications
1. Frozen Foods - The frozen food industry can innovate by incorporating organic, all-natural and sustainable ingredients in their products to attract health-conscious consumers.
2. Cheese and Dairy - The dairy industry can explore sustainable sources of milk to create high-quality cheese products and tap into the growing demand for wholesome, all-natural foods.
3. Organic Agriculture - The organic agriculture industry can provide fresh, all-natural produce to be used by frozen food and pizza manufacturers seeking to appeal to health-conscious consumers.

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