Shipping Crate Shop Interiors

This Wine Store by OOS Design is Fully Stocked With Spirits

The Albert Reichmuth Wine Store by OOS is chockers stocked with 1,500 Bordeaux region wine crates. Unlike most shops however, this retailer keeps its cases front and center: along the, the ceiling and the walls.

Acting as a complex Jenga-inspired storage system, the Albert Reichmuth Wine Store by OOS can accommodate almost 600 bottles of wine within each recess, shelf and platform. In some places, the wine cases even become seating and service surfaces for the sale and sampling of rieslings, pinots, cabernets and merlots in this zesty Zurich shop.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycling Retail Interiors - Using unconventional materials to create unique retail interiors that stand out.
2. Innovative Wine Storage Systems - Developing new and creative ways to showcase and store large numbers of wine bottles in retail spaces.
3. Multi-functional Retail Spaces - Creating versatile retail spaces that serve multiple purposes beyond just storage and sales.
Industry Implications
1. Wine Retail Industry - The wine retail industry can utilize innovative and striking retail interiors to attract and retain customers.
2. Interior Design Industry - The interior design industry can move towards using unconventional and eco-friendly materials to create eye-catching retail spaces.
3. Hospitality Industry - The hospitality industry can draw inspiration from multi-functional retail spaces to create unique and memorable experiences for customers.

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