Eco Air Balloons

This Sustainable Hot Air Balloon is Made Entirely of Recycled Plastic Bags

Artist Tomás Saraceno created this plastic bag hot air balloon to expose the environmental impact of pollution. This environmental awareness project is titled 'Becoming Aerosolar.'

Tomás Saraceno sewed together the entire structure, which vividly resembles the patchwork of a quilt. The purpose for this artwork and science project was to trap the sun's heat inside a plastic bag balloon. This experiment was designed to recreate the effect that greenhouse gases have within the Earth's atmosphere.

Since plastic bags cannot be broken down and are rarely recycled, this project challenges the idea of waste by creating a functional transportation device. The pure beauty of the hot air balloon is glorious but also functional. This majestic balloon will be on display at the '21er Haus' exhibition in Vienna until the end of the month.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Hot Air Balloons - Developing eco-friendly hot air balloons made of recycled materials could disrupt the travel industry by offering a sustainable option for tourists.
2. Waste Reduction Innovation - Creating practical tools or structures from traditionally discarded items, such as plastic bags, could disrupt manufacturing and construction industries and potentially reduce waste.
3. Environmental Awareness Art Projects - Art projects that raise awareness of environmental issues, such as the Becoming Aerosolar exhibit, could disrupt conventional means of education and activism.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - The development of sustainable hot air balloons could disrupt the tourism industry by offering a more eco-friendly transportation option for tourists.
2. Manufacturing - Innovative ways to reuse or repurpose discarded items, such as the creation of eco air balloons, could disrupt traditional manufacturing industries and offer more sustainable alternatives.
3. Art - Environmental awareness projects, such as Becoming Aerosolar, could disrupt conventional means of educating and raising awareness of environmental issues through art.

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