African Movie Poster Makeovers

These Popular Hollywood Films Were Recreated with African Models

This photography project titled '[re-]Mixing Hollywood' uses African models posing in popular film posters to alter the original layouts. The creative duo of Omar Victor Diop and Antoine Tempé designed this project, which took place in in ONOMO hotels.

The two African models from Dakar and Adjad posed in various re-mixed movies scenes that included American Beauty, Breakfast at Tiffany’s and even The Matrix. The stunning models brought a unique sense of racial diversity to each of the staged images.

While the posters are immediately recognized due to the immaculate similarities, there is still a wonderful sense of curiosity in the photographs. The ultimate goal for this project is to increase the existing sense of transcending "time, space and cultural and racial boundaries" within cinema.
Trend Themes
1. Cultural Inclusion in Film Promotion - Opportunities for film studios to feature greater cultural inclusion through mixed media marketing campaigns.
2. Diverse Representation in Film - Opportunities for film studios to cast a more diverse range of actors in leading and supporting roles.
3. African-inspired Photography Projects - Opportunities for photographers to create unique projects utilizing African models and cultural influences in their work.
Industry Implications
1. Film and Entertainment - Opportunities for film studios to promote greater cultural awareness and diversity in all aspects of their productions.
2. Photography - Opportunities for photographers to create unique projects utilizing African models and cultural influences in their work.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Opportunities for companies to create mixed media promotions that incorporate diverse representation and cultural inclusion.

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