Puppet Movie Poster Adaptations

Your Favorite Shows and Movies Get an Adorable Muppet Infusion

These adorable Muppet posters go to show that the consistently popular Muppet brand is still going strong since its introduction in the 70s.

The late and great Jim Henson's creations invade your favorite movies and TV shows in these muppetized movie posters from Kevin Durkin. It doesn't matter if the subject matter is a gruesomely violent horror show like the Wocka-Wocka-ing Dead, a psychadelic drug-fueled comedy like the Big Bowwowowski, a fantasy epic like the Fellowship of the Muppets, or more family-oriented fare like the Ghostmuppets, seeing these hilariously adorable Muppet posters will mean that you may never look at these shows and movies quite the same way again.

Somebody needs to get working Muppets, Inc. right now.
Trend Themes
1. Muppetized Movie Posters - Opportunity for artists and designers to create unique and whimsical adaptations of popular movie posters using Muppet characters.
2. Brand Reinvention - Opportunity for iconic brands to collaborate with the Muppet brand to create fresh and innovative marketing campaigns.
3. Nostalgic Revivals - Opportunity for entertainment companies to capitalize on the nostalgia trend by reintroducing popular franchises with a Muppet twist.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Artists and designers can tap into the demand for Muppet branded merchandise by creating original artwork and products.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Advertising agencies and marketers can collaborate with the Muppet brand to create attention-grabbing campaigns for their clients.
3. Entertainment - Film studios and production companies can explore opportunities for Muppet-inspired collaborations and adaptations to attract a wider audience.

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