Costumed Adoption Campaigns

This Stunt Dressed Up Stray Dogs as Purebreds for Halloween

In a wonderful effort to help the excess of six million stray dogs in Peru, Grupo Caridad created the 'Adoption Costumes' campaign.

In this heartwarming video, animal advocates explain how the public discriminates not only amongst humans but also animals, creating a disparity in the types of dogs that get adopted. In a world inundated with Frenchie and Pug Instagram accounts, it is important to remember that a dog is a dog and it will love you endlessly whether purebred or not. The recent surge in dog breed fads creates an abundance of mixed breed dogs that end up being left in shelters.

In Adoption Costumes, homeless dogs are placed in purebred costumes to resemble popular breeds like the Poodle, Samoyed and Dalmatian. When taken to the streets, people loved and approached them instantly. The dogs are playful, harmless and utterly lovable. Adoption Costumes tugs at your heartstrings with a plea from stray pups: "I can be as playful, I can be as fun, I can be as educated, I can be as faithful, I can be as loving as a purebred dog."
Trend Themes
1. Pet Adoption Campaigns - Creating pet adoption campaigns that focus on promoting and increasing adoption rates for shelter dogs, through creative methods and innovative strategies.
2. Breed and Species Neutrality - Promoting the importance of adopting any dog regardless of its breed or species and eliminating the cultural stigma associated with mixed-breed dogs.
3. Innovative Animal Advocacy Campaigns - Developing innovative animal advocacy campaigns that use creative tactics to raise awareness, generate public engagement, and promote adoption of animals in need.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Adoption Centers - Developing and implementing innovative adoption campaigns in pet adoption centers in order to increase adoption rates and reduce the number of stray pets.
2. Animal Welfare Nonprofits - Creating innovative pet adoption campaigns for animal welfare nonprofits in order to increase their reach and impact and further their mission of promoting animal welfare.
3. Marketing and Advertising Agencies - Partnering with animal shelters and animal welfare nonprofits to develop innovative adoption campaigns and creative tactics to raise awareness and promote pet adoption efforts.

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