Edible Insect Bitters

These Insect-Based Biters are Designed to Be Added to Cocktails

'Critter Bitters' is a line of insect-based bitters that is designed to be added to cocktails. Although nearly two billion people eat insects on a regular basis, the creatures are still considered a taboo delicacy in some parts of the world. In order to overcome the stigma surrounding insects, this company decided to create a fun way to consume them.

Critter Bitters was founded by Julia Plevin and Lucy Knops as a way of introducing insects to American consumers. Plevin and Knops noted that people tend to be more open-minded when it comes to drinking and more willing to try unusual ingredients. As a result, they produced a variety of edible insect-based bitters that are designed to be added to cocktails. The bitters are made up of roasted crickets and come in flavors such as vanilla, cocoa and toasted almond.

While not everyone will be able to get over the idea of drinking a cocktail laced with crickets, the bitters may help normalize the delicacy for others.
Trend Themes
1. Insect-based Bitters - The rise of insect-based bitters creates opportunities for unconventional cocktail ingredients.
2. Overcoming the Stigma - Companies developing innovative ways to normalize the consumption of insects challenge cultural taboos.
3. Unusual Ingredients in Cocktails - The use of unique and unexpected ingredients in cocktails provides an avenue for creative mixology and experimentation.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can explore the incorporation of insect-based ingredients into their product lines.
2. Cocktail and Mixology - The cocktail and mixology industry can embrace the use of unconventional ingredients to create unique and differentiated drinks.
3. Sustainable Protein - The sustainable protein industry can leverage the growing interest in insect-based ingredients for alternative sources of protein.

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