Blue Hued Brews

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The Abashiri Blue Beer is Made From the Water of Melted Icebergs in Japan

The Abashiri Blue Beer allows you to pour yourself a tall one and enjoy a blue hued brew made from melted icebergs. Available from Firebox, the blue shade booze is from a Japanese brewery that uses a variety of natural methods to give the beer its true blue color. This includes using water from melted icebergs in the Sea of Okhotsk, blue seaweed and local flowers. The Abashiri Blue Beer is also made with Chinese Yam to give it a superior head that looks like floating ice in your glass.

The Japanese beer comes in both can and bottle form. You can also purchase it in a four pack or eight pack from Firebox online.
Trend Themes
1. Natural Colored Alcohol - Natural methods are being used to give alcohol its unique colors and flavors.
2. Non-traditional Ingredients - Breweries are experimenting with local flowers and seaweed to create unique beer flavors.
3. Sustainable Sourcing - Using melted icebergs as a water source highlights the growing trend of sustainable and environmentally friendly sourcing of ingredients.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol and Beverage - Breweries can innovate by using natural and sustainable methods to create new and unique flavored products such as the Abashiri Blue Beer.
2. Tourism - The use of melted icebergs in the Abashiri Blue Beer highlights the potential for tourism in remote and unique locations where ingredients are sourced sustainably.
3. Retail - Online retailers such as Firebox offer a platform for unique and niche products such as Abashiri Blue Beer to reach a wider audience.

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