Drink in a Hollow Tree

6,000 Year Old Baobab Turned into a Pub

The trunks of Baobab trees naturally become hollow after about 1000 years. What do you do with an old, hollow tree? The owners of this one in Limpopo, South Africa made a pub out of theirs. The tree is a monster in size - 155 feet circumference! Despite its size in the natural world, it can only seat 15 people comfortably.

Implications - In a society that is increasingly engaged in constant connection with technology, there has been a backlash among people who would like to be teleported back to a simpler time. By exploiting the desire to be reconnected to nature, companies can include advertising or specific marketing that serves as a way for consumers to connect with some of the earth's natural wonders.
Trend Themes
1. Baobab Tree Hospitality - Hospitality businesses can explore the use of naturally occurring hollow baobab trees for unique dining and drinking experiences.
2. Nature-inspired Marketing - Marketing strategies that promote experiencing natural wonders can appeal to consumers seeking a connection with nature.
3. Back to Basics Entertainment - As people seek simpler forms of entertainment, businesses can consider offering experiences that provide a break from technology and modern amenities.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels, restaurants and bars can integrate the use of naturally occurring hollow baobab trees into their offerings for a unique experience.
2. Tourism - Tour companies and destinations can promote experiences that reconnect travelers with nature and offer unique natural wonders.
3. Marketing - Marketers can focus on promoting the appeal of natural wonders and experiences to reach consumers seeking a break from technology and modern life.

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