3D-Printed Hair Strands

A Carnegie Mellon Researcher Has Figured How to Create 3D-Printed Hair

It seems that anything can be 3D-printed these days and with the new discovery of 3D-printed hair, this technology is set to change the beauty industry forever. Recoding a 3D printer, a team from Carnegie Mellon developed a way to produce 3D-printed hair strands.

Led by Gierad Laput, the Carnegie Mellon team created this technique by dropping small piles of molten plastic at various heats. After this step, the team pulled the printer head away at just the right speed, stretching the goo as it cooled to create strands that mirror flimsy hot glue. This process continued until the team created all kinds of 3D printed hair types -- from the soft flowing strands of a pony's tail to the short bristles of a scrub brush.

With a revolutionary discovery like this one, it is safe to expect 3D-printed wigs in the near future.
Trend Themes
1. 3d-printed Hair - The ability to 3D-print hair strands can revolutionize the beauty industry, with potential for customization and on-demand production.
2. Additive Manufacturing in Beauty - The use of 3D printing technology in beauty manufacturing can streamline production and offer flexible design possibilities.
3. Customizable Hairpieces - With the ability to create 3D-printed hair strands, personalized, custom-fit wigs and hairpieces can be produced with ease.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty - The beauty industry can explore the use of 3D printing for innovative hair products and extensions.
2. Fashion - 3D-printed hair strands can be utilized in creating unique and customized hairstyles for runway looks and photo shoots.
3. Medical - This technology can be used in the medical industry to produce prosthetic hairpieces for those dealing with hair loss due to illness or treatments.

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