Melting Photographic Paintings

39° by Daniela Carvalho Embraces the Scorching Heat of Summertime

39° by Daniela Carvalho, a peruvian illustrator living in Spain, is a series of photographic paintings that embrace the scorching heat of the summer season. It is accompanied by a poem that captures the essence of each artwork: It's hot / it's summer / it's 39 degress. / I sweat. / I melt.
I sleep / I dream profundly / Oniric or real. / It's all the same now / I blink. / Everything is blurry. / It's hot. / It's 39 degrees / and everything is melting around me.

By combining both photographs and oil paints in 39° by Daniela Carvalho, she is able to depict the scenes as melting before her audience's very eyes as though actually affected by the heat. The results are mesmerizing. Vacations, beaches and more will never seem the same.
Trend Themes
1. Melting Art - Opportunities to experiment with different media in art to create unique visual experiences.
2. Temperature-inspired Art - Combining sensory experiences related to temperature and emotions for art.
3. Poetry-infused Art - Incorporating poetry with artwork for multi-sensory experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Exploring the use of various media to create art with multi-sensory experiences.
2. Tourism and Hospitality - Using temperature and sensory experiences to enhance the vacation experiences of customers.
3. Literature and Publishing - Combining poetry with visual arts for unique multi-sensory storytelling experiences.

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