Multi-Sensory Warehouse Installations

'29Rooms' Immerses Refinery29 Readers in Real-World Content

In celebration of its 10th's anniversary, Refinery29 opened a multi-sensory multi-room installation to the public in New York City.

A clash of style, pop culture, art and technology took over a 50,000 square foot warehouse, featuring 29 rooms that hosted virtual reality experiences, live performances, film screenings and more. Brands and influencers collaborated with Refinery29 for the event, bringing issues like politics, gender identity and body image to light through food, fashion, beauty and design narratives.

Refinery29's founding partner and executive creative director Piera Gelardi simply puts it best by saying: "We wanted to bring our site to life in a physical way so the audience can have an immersive experience of our brand." This is especially important to today's connected consumers, who are looking for more than just a strong social and web presence.
Trend Themes
1. Multi-sensory Experiences - Creating immersive and interactive experiences that engage all the senses.
2. Collaboration with Influencers - Partnering with influencers to amplify brand messaging and reach a wider audience.
3. Brand Activation Events - Hosting events that bring brands to life and provide physical experiences for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion and Beauty - Using immersive experiences to showcase new collections and trends.
2. Technology and Virtual Reality - Integrating virtual reality experiences into brand activations and installations.
3. Media and Publishing - Creating multi-room installations to bring digital content to life and engage with readers.

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