American Pride Packaging

The 21st Amendment Beer Cases Pay Homage to Forefathers

Most often, beer packaging can be bland, but every once in awhile it is extravagant to the point where the contents seem irrelevant, such as the case with the 21st Amendment beer cases.

Branding and marketing a beer is a formulaic ritual that often uses scantily clad women in hopes of grabbing the attention of booze-guzzling brutes. However, the 21st Amendment beer cases are taking a different approach to get college kids to drink its suds. Playing on themes of patriotism and American pride, the beer company implements political icons and slogans such as "brew free or die!" to pull at the heartstrings of beer-chugging twenty-somethings. The 21st Amendment beer cases also make fun of American patriotism, with a beer called ‘Bitter American’, using a chimpanzee in a space suit to draw comparisons with the US-Soviet space races in the 1960s.

Regardless of how good this brew actually is, the packaging and branding of the product will surely be purchased by patriots and drunkards alike.
Trend Themes
1. Patriotic Packaging - Brands can incorporate patriotic themes or political icons and slogans to attract a broader range of consumers to their product beyond the standard approach of sexual objectification in advertising.
2. Humorous Packaging - Brands can utilize humor and satire to create unique packaging that sets their product apart from the competition.
3. Creative Artistic Packaging - Brands can use artistic and creative designs to make their product stand out on store shelves and appeal to consumers beyond simply the contents of the packaging.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol Beverage Packaging - Companies in the alcohol beverage industry can explore more creative, humorous, or patriotic packaging options to differentiate their products from competitors and attract a wider range of consumers.
2. Graphic Design and Branding - Graphic design and branding companies can offer more unique and creative packaging options to clients in various industries, including the alcohol beverage industry, to help their products stand out on store shelves and appeal to consumers.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising firms can suggest new approaches to packaging and branding, such as incorporating humor or patriotic themes, to help their clients' products stand out and resonate with consumers beyond traditional advertising tactics.

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