Mobile Intimacy Units

ZA Architects' 'Sex Box' Lets You Pay to Play in Public

If you can't wait to get home to get it on, ZA Architects' 'Sex Box' has you covered. This concept was created for the Seoul Design Fair 2011, and involves mobile pleasure units outfitted with condoms, strategically-designed furniture and video screens. Users can pay for access.

The ZA Architects' 'Sex Box' is intended for "public beaches, streets and squares of cities, and in places of large public events." The designers' intent is to take a positive, open attitude to sex in the hopes of making the world better.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Pleasure Units - ZA Architects' 'Sex Box' introduces the concept of mobile pleasure units that offer intimate experiences in public spaces.
2. Convenience Culture - The 'Sex Box' taps into the growing demand for instant gratification and convenience in the realm of intimate experiences.
3. Normalized Openness - The concept of the 'Sex Box' reflects a trend towards normalizing and destigmatizing open attitudes towards sex and pleasure.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can explore the potential of incorporating mobile pleasure units as a unique and exclusive service for guests.
2. Event Planning - Event planners can consider integrating mobile pleasure units as a standout attraction or experience at large public events.
3. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can leverage the concept of mobile pleasure units to create immersive, interactive experiences that push boundaries and challenge societal norms.

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