Camera Lens Calendars

Desktop Calendar is Perfect for Snap-Happy Photographers

World-renowned photographer Sharad Haksar has created the world's first desktop calendar that looks and feels like a camera lens. The calendar is sculpted from a single block of aluminum, and the focus, shutter speed and aperture rings are used to display the year, month and date, respectively. This is a guaranteed conversation piece for your coffee table or desk, as well as the ultimate gift for anyone with a photographer friend.

Implications - Heck, if you like the Desktop Calendar by photographer Sharad Haksar, why bother giving it to a photography-obsessed friend when you could give it to yourself? Christmas may have just passed, but this desktop calendar is so tempting to buy just because it's so unique!
Trend Themes
1. Camera Lens Calendars - The creation of camera lens-inspired desktop calendars presents an opportunity for innovative and creative calendar designs.
2. Photography-inspired Gifts - The popularity of photography-related products like the camera lens calendar indicates a growing market for unique and personalized gifts for photographers.
3. Photography-themed Home Decor - The camera lens calendar represents a trend towards incorporating photography elements into home decor, opening up opportunities for innovative photography-themed interior design products.
Industry Implications
1. Photography Equipment and Accessories - The creation of camera lens calendars suggests a potential market for photography accessories and merchandise that cater to photography enthusiasts.
2. Personalized and Customizable Gifts - The rise in popularity of photography-inspired gifts indicates a need for personalized and customizable gift options in the market.
3. Home Decor and Interior Design - The trend of incorporating photography elements into home decor calls for innovative photography-themed products for interior design purposes.

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