Wood Block Roadsters

The Wooden Porsche 911 is Made of Thousands of Toy Blocks

Designer Alexander Gedda spent many months designing this Wooden Porsche 911 replica. This model is made entirely out of wooden toy blocks and one giant zipper.

You might be wondering what the zipper is for. How else would you get inside of the Wooden Porsche 911? This model was built for a Porsche dealer in Milan. It is a damn shame that it may not get the public viewing it deserves. This toy block model should give children something to shoot for the next time they dare to play with blocks. Ball's in your court, kids.
Trend Themes
1. Wooden Toy Block Craze - Exploring the potential market and applications of wooden toy blocks in contemporary times.
2. Eco-friendly Toy Industry - Exploring the use of sustainable and eco-conscious methods of producing toys.
3. DIY Wooden Toys - Exploring the trend of building DIY wooden toys as a fun and engaging hobby.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing Industry - Investigating the potential for incorporating wooden blocks in product lines for the toy manufacturers.
2. Furniture Industry - Exploring how wooden blocks can revolutionize the furniture industry in more sustainable ways.
3. Educational Technology Industry - Exploring educational ways of incorporating hands-on learning using DIY wooden toys made with a purpose.

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