Wireless Magnetic Smartphone Chargers

The 'Woolet' Wireless Charger Pad is a Design-Conscious Unit

Many would argue that one of the main problems with wireless chargers is that they look like wireless chargers, so the 'Woolet' wireless charger pad is designed to have exceptional style.

Capable of being placed just about anywhere from the fridge, to the car the 'Woolet' charging pad enables users to gain wireless charging connectivity in a snap.

While the charging pad is impressive, there's also another release from 'Woolet' in the form of a charging mousepad. This will enable digital professionals to keep their smartphone close at hand, while also enabling it to be charged without having to plug it into the wall or their computer.

The 'Woolet' wireless charger pad and charging mousepad are currently available now for preorder as part of a campaign on Indiegogo.
Trend Themes
1. Design-conscious Wireless Chargers - The market is ripe for high-quality, aesthetically-pleasing wireless chargers that blend functionality and design.
2. Multi-use Wireless Chargers - As consumers become more mobile and tech-reliant, there is a growing demand for wireless chargers that can be used in a variety of settings.
3. Wireless Chargers with Added Functionality - With the rise of smartphones with multiple cameras, biometric features, and other new additions, there is an opportunity to develop wireless chargers with additional features such as built-in stands or cameras.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - As the market for smartphones and wireless charging continues to grow, there is significant opportunity for innovation in wireless charging technology.
2. Consumer Electronics - As consumers become increasingly reliant on mobile devices, demand for wireless charging solutions continues to soar, creating opportunities for new and innovative consumer electronics products.
3. Home Decor - As consumers seek to integrate technology into their homes, there is a growing opportunity for wireless chargers that integrate seamlessly with home decor styles.

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