Wildlife Protection Publications

'Wildlife Watch' Produces Articles About Threatened Animals

National Geographic recently launched a publication called 'Wildlife Watch,' which will produce factual articles about threatened species. The entire publication is dedicated to giving a "voice to exploited or vulnerable wildlife around the world."

Wildlife Watch will bring awareness of poaching and animal slaughter directly to the public's attention. The publication will also feature stories about individuals, organizations and programs that are devoted to the protection of wildlife.

National Geographic is committed to publishing relevant content and investigative journalism stories that will reduce the brutal, animal-related crimes. In honor of this new publication, National Geographic created a 'Special Investigations Unit.' This unit will be solely responsible for exposing "commercial-scale exploitation of endangered or valued natural resources while empowering civil society, including local journalists and non-governmental organizations."
Trend Themes
1. Increasing Awareness of Wildlife Conservation - The creation of 'Wildlife Watch' publication by National Geographic highlights the growing need to raise awareness about poaching and animal slaughter.
2. Focus on Protection of Endangered Species - The dedicated coverage of threatened species in 'Wildlife Watch' presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in wildlife protection efforts.
3. Amplification of Investigative Journalism in Wildlife Conservation - The establishment of the 'Special Investigations Unit' within National Geographic creates opportunities for disruptive innovation in exposing and combating commercial-scale exploitation of natural resources.
Industry Implications
1. Media and Publishing - The launch of 'Wildlife Watch' publication opens up possibilities for disruptive innovation in animal-related journalism and raising public awareness.
2. Wildlife Conservation Organizations - The focus on endangered species in 'Wildlife Watch' creates opportunities for disruptive innovation in wildlife protection programs and initiatives.
3. Non-governmental Organizations (ngos) - The involvement of local journalists and NGOs in the 'Special Investigations Unit' offers potential for disruptive innovation in combating exploitation of natural resources and endangered wildlife.

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