Printed Web Encyclopedia Edits

Wikipedia Iraq War Encyclopedia Features Five Years of Edits

The Wikipedia Iraq War Encyclopedia is a truly impressive creation. This encyclopedia cataloged every edit made in the ‘Iraq War’ Wikipedia article from December 2004 to November 2009.

The encyclopedia was created by Brian Bridle. Bridle organized and cataloged every edit made over those years into twelve volumes! The Wikipedia Iraq War Encyclopedia is huge, and has a wealth of information showing just how confusing the war has been, as well as the public’s opinion of it. Check out pictures and a few edits in the gallery above.
Trend Themes
1. Printed Web Encyclopedia Edits - Opportunity to create printed encyclopedias cataloging the edits made in various topics, providing a tangible and comprehensive snapshot of online knowledge evolution.
2. Cataloging Online Edits - Trend of organizing and cataloging edits made on online resources, enabling users to track the evolution of information over a period of time.
3. Visualizing Public Opinion - Opportunity to visually represent the public's opinion on a particular topic through the analysis of edits made on online platforms.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - Publishing companies can explore the creation of printed encyclopedias that capture the evolving nature of online information through edit cataloging.
2. Technology - Companies in the technology sector can develop software or tools that automatically track and catalog edits made on online platforms, providing users with an easy way to analyze information evolution.
3. Data Analysis - Data analysis firms can specialize in analyzing edits made on online platforms to extract valuable insights about public opinion and information trends.

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