Turbine Jungle Gyms

2012Architecten's Wikado Playground is Fun and Eco-Friendly

The Wikado playground is an unusual outdoor recreational area for children at the Kinderparadijs Meidoorn facility. In place of typical, commercial playground equipment such as swings, slides and see-saws, this jungle gym repurposes old wind turbines to create an exciting landscape.

Using five discarded rotor blades, the Rotterdam-based studio 2012Architecten created the singular Wikado playground. These blades have been pulled apart to form climbing towers, caves, play surfaces and slides. Molded into a maze-like space, the Wikado playground has a panna court in the center. The four 'towers' have been placed on the outer corners of the Wikado playground with a large net fastened to them. This net provides a fun climbing section for kids.

The Wikado playground design team was made up of Jeroen Bergsma, Césare Peeren and Jos de Krieger.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Playgrounds - There are opportunities to repurpose and reuse common materials to create unique and exciting play areas for children.
2. Upcycling Wind Turbines - Old and discarded wind turbine parts can be creatively repurposed to create visually stunning playground equipment.
3. Innovative Playground Design - Designers are exploring new ways to create engaging and challenging playgrounds that can promote physical activity and imaginative play.
Industry Implications
1. Green Energy - Companies in the renewable energy sector can find new opportunities to reuse or upcycle their products in unconventional ways.
2. Playground Equipment Manufacturing - Manufacturers can explore the use of more sustainable and repurposed materials to create unique and eco-friendly playground equipment.
3. Architecture and Design - Architects and designers can apply their skills to create innovative and engaging playgrounds that prioritize children's physical and mental health and well-being.

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