Questionable Procreation

Whythef* Asks Why

Whythef* asks why, and attempts to explore, exactly why some of the more colorful members of our society have (or, better yet, are allowed to have) children, with the aid of captioned pictures.

Some of their proposed answers include:
- "Becuz you needed help carrying your luggage."
- "Becuz you wanted a snack on the go."
- "Becuz you wanted to teach your snake a lesson."

I feel somewhat dejected while trolling through the photos of whythef* that’s what I do, I troll--recognizing that while it takes seven years worth of training to become a doctor, there is no prerequisite, studying or required IQ to procreate and foist your DNA upon the world.
Trend Themes
1. Questionable Procreation - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in reproductive technology and family planning apps that help individuals make informed decisions about having children.
2. Exploring the Reasons - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in social media platforms or interactive websites that allow people to share and discuss the reasons for having children.
3. Reevaluating Parenthood - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in parenting education programs or online communities that challenge traditional notions of parenthood and encourage responsible decision-making.
Industry Implications
1. Reproductive Technology - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in IVF clinics or fertility tracking apps that empower individuals to have more control over their reproductive choices.
2. Social Media - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in social media platforms that provide a space for discussing and questioning societal norms around parenthood.
3. Parenting Education - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in online parenting courses or platforms that provide resources to help individuals make informed decisions about starting a family.

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